Strengthening effectiveness of Business Project Management mechanism in the organization


Organizational change has become a consistent requirement given the increasingly fluid, complex, and global business environment.  The higher demand for business projects translates to higher overhead as a result of having to continuously initiate and dissolve projects.  It is time to review the way business projects are organized today and elements of permanence should be injected.  Our proposal is the establishment of a “business project department” that shoulders all  business projects related responsibilities. 


In a nutshell, the creation of this department is formalizing and centralizing how on-going organizational changes would be initiated, managed and implemented in the company.  Note that this differs from the typical PO/PMO which deal mostly with administrative and coordination work.


As originator of this proposal, Themis is uniquely positioned to help company establish such a department, with due considerations to the client’s nature of business, short/mid/long term objectives, corporate culture and readiness.  The scope of work may include the secondment of the Themis practitioner as interim head of this department in order to staff, manage and stabilize the operations before handing it over.